First Build of Windows 10 Technical Preview for Phones
To make windows 10 the core platform for PCs, Tablets and Phones, Microsoft announces windows 10 Technical Preview for Phones. Lets take a look at some of the capabilities of Windows 10.
Lumia 630 Lumia 638
If you want to join the windows insider program move to the following link and read the instruction carefully.
- Full-size Background Image for Start
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- Interactive Notifications
- Speech To text capability
The first build only supports few devices the list is here.
Lumia 630 Lumia 638
Lumia 635 Lumia 730
Lumia 636 Lumia 830
If you have one of the phone from the list and want to experience the preview install Windows Insider app from store, follow the instructions and from settings check for updates.
As far the other devices are concerned once the partition switching feature is completed many more devices will be supported.
The languages that are supported by this build are:
Arabic (Saudi Arabia)
Catalan (Spain)
Czech (Czech Republic)
Dutch (Netherlands)
English (UK)
English (US)
Finnish (Finland)
French (Canada)
French (France)
| German (Germany)
Hindi (India)
Italian (Italy)
Japanese (Japan)
Korean (Korea)
Polish (Poland)
Portuguese (Brazil)
Russian (Russia)
Simplified Chinese (China)
| Spanish (Spain)
Spanish (Mexico/LatAm)
Swedish (Sweden)
Thai (Thailand)
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan)
Turkish (Turkey)
Vietnamese (Vietnam)
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