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Solar Powered Water ATM in Pakistan

Have you ever draw water from an ATM? If your answer is No, you are right but now it is going to be real, Punjab government is going to introduce a machine that will give water instead of money, clean drinking water. The machine fulfils its energy requirements via solar, yes it is solar powered and gives clean water to people.
"The innovative machines will help the government maintain a record of the exact quantity of clean drinking water being dispensed in a day in a specific locality, besides ensuring its quality" said Jawad Abbasi.

This project is the collaboration between Punjab Saaf Pani and Innovations for poverty Alleviation Lab (IPAL), a research center located in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.

When a user scans the card the machines plays an audio message and dispense water for the user and user can control water flow with Green and Red buttons. A gauge controls how much water should be dispense and the sensor detects the amount of water left behind.
Jawad Abbasi said, "We are planning to install the machines at 20 filtration plants in the first phase that will benefit some 17,500 families,"
The real challenge comes to the government will be the maintenance and management of water supply. But it will also be the responsibility of people to take care of this thing that is beneficial for them.

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