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Artificial Rain and Cloud Seeding.

After the death of several people in Karachi now government is thinking about Artificial Rain. Earlier this technique was used in Therparker and it works and it was done by a method called Cloud Seeding. Let’s have a look on cloud seeding and normal rain. First look at how normal rain falls.
When wind passed over the sea it catches water vapors as the wind start raising high the temperature starts decreasing or in other words it become very cold, droplets starts merging. These big droplets attracts more droplets and the process continues. This process is called nucleation.
When the thickness raises to 0.1 mm droplets cannot float and then they falls in the form of rain.
Artificial Rain:
As nucleation requires cold but sometimes it does not get cold enough for nucleation to occur. In this case we have to make places where nucleation can occur. Tiny particles of silver iodide are used for this purpose they are sprayed from an air plane on the clouds this causes the droplets to attract each other and rain falls. This process is called cloud seeding.
There are three cloud seeding methods
1)      Static cloud seeding.
2)      Dynamic cloud seeding.
3)      Hydroscopic cloud seeding.
Each one of these technique aims water vapors.
Agents that are used in the cloud seeding are, Silver iodide, Hydroscopic Agents, Dry ice, Tarpenes.

As cloud seeding is done using silver iodide and this is not good for animals especially of the landscape as it can harm the plants and animals too. Too much silver iodide can cause skin an eye issues

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