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Differences between Object, Var and Dynamic type

Here I will explain the difference between Object, Var and Dynamic type with example or how to initialize it with example or which one is good to use.

Introduce in c# 1.0Introduce in c# 3.0Introduce in c# 4.0
It can store any type of value because It is base class of type
Initialization is not mandatory.
For ex.
Object x; //optional
Initialization is mandatory.
For ex.
var x=5; // mandatory
Initialization is not mandatory.
For ex.
dynamic x; //optional
We can modify the type after initialization.
For Example:
object x=5; //x is integer
x = “akhil”;//x is string           Console.WriteLine(x);
Output: akhil
We cannot modify the type after initialization. Otherwise it give compilation error.
For Example:
var x=5; //x is integer
x = “akhil”;//x is string Console.WriteLine(x);
Output: error at compile time
We can modify the type after initialization.
For Example:
dynamic x=5; //x is integer
x = “akhil”;//x is string           Console.WriteLine(x);
Output: akhil
Object type can be passed as method argument and method also can return object type.
For ex:
Add(object x) //can
Var type cannot be passed as method argument and method also can return object type.
For ex:
Add(var x) //can not
dynamic type can be passed as method argument and method also can return object type.
For ex:
Add(dynamic x) //can
Compiler has little information about the type at compile time so it can be caused the problem at run time.Compiler has all information about the type at compile time so it can be caused the problem at run time.Compiler has not any information about the type at compile time so it can be caused the problem at run time when wrong properties or method access.
Useful when we don’t have more information about the data type.Useful when we don’t know actual type i.e. type is anonymous.Useful when we need to code using reflection or dynamic languages or with the COM objects, because you need to write less code.
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