Lambda in C#
Lambda. The syntax for delegate functions can be complex. Lambda expressions provide a simple and terse way of specifying functions. They use the => syntax to separate formal parameters and the method body.
Lambda: Syntax
Lambda: Syntax
Tip:Lambda expressions are used throughout C# programs. Common methods receive them as arguments.
Tip 2:Whenever you see a method that receives a Predicate, Action, Func or Comparison, a lambda can be passed.
Example . Next, we build upon the delegate concept. We declare a delegate type UppercaseDelegate. It receives a string, and returns a string. We create instances of this delegate Type in the Main method.
Example . Next, we build upon the delegate concept. We declare a delegate type UppercaseDelegate. It receives a string, and returns a string. We create instances of this delegate Type in the Main method.
Program that uses delegate type: C#
using System;
class Program
delegate string UppercaseDelegate(string input);
static string UppercaseFirst(string input)
char[] buffer = input.ToCharArray();
buffer[0] = char.ToUpper(buffer[0]);
return new string(buffer);
static string UppercaseLast(string input)
char[] buffer = input.ToCharArray();
buffer[buffer.Length - 1] = char.ToUpper(buffer[buffer.Length - 1]);
return new string(buffer);
static string UppercaseAll(string input)
return input.ToUpper();
static void WriteOutput(string input, UppercaseDelegate del)
Console.WriteLine("Your string before: {0}", input);
Console.WriteLine("Your string after: {0}", del(input));
static void Main()
// Wrap the methods inside delegate instances and pass to the method.
WriteOutput("perls", new UppercaseDelegate(UppercaseFirst));
WriteOutput("perls", new UppercaseDelegate(UppercaseLast));
WriteOutput("perls", new UppercaseDelegate(UppercaseAll));
Your string before: perls
Your string after: Perls
Your string before: perls
Your string after: perlS
Your string before: perls
Your string after: PERLS
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